OK so this update is way past due! I feel that I have so much to say and tell i don't even know where to start. So i guess with the bucket list. Well this summer i checked two more things off my bucket list and yes i am working on a few others. #4 Go Back To Brazil! Yes i did it! and i went back before i had even been home for a year. It was amazing and worth every penny. I spent the whole month of July visiting my areas on my mission and also spent sometime in Sao Paulo. i was able to see my sister at heart get married in the temple she was the sister i trained in the mission and i was one of her maid or honors and also got to be her escort in the temple. What a neat experience this was! i can only imagine what true mothers feel. All i know is once i sat in the escorts chair tears came to my eyes as i watched someone so special to me make covenants with the Lord and her spouse. I was able to go to a vineyard and see a few really cute little towns i had never seen before also. I spent many countless hours visiting and chatting with some converts on the mission and visiting old companions. It was a trip i will never forget. Oh yes i also got robbed at knife point which was interesting all in itself. It happened all so quickly and I was a little shocked afterwards, it does make for an exciting trip. I also missed my flight from Sao Paulo to Porto Alergre so had to catch the next fligth later that afternoon and with a little extra cost! But it worked out and was good. #33 Go a month without shaving my legs and this one i actually went six weeks and they looked awesome!! but sad to say i decided not to take a pic to share with everyone on this one..maybe next time. So that was the month of July. When i got back from my trip things got kinda crazy at home. First my car broke down so what did i do? Bought a new one! Its a black KIA Rio and i love it! Seems to be working well and fits my personality or so i think. Grandma Ward was not doing so well and she now gets to be with the love of her life Grandpa Ward. What a bitter sweet time it was for our family. It was not easy to tell her goodbye but it was for the best and it was what she has wanted for so long, but with the passing of grandma came a new baby boy Gaven my sister had a cute cute baby and from the moment i saw him i fell in love with him and i got to play mom while she came up to visit and i loved every min of it! I could not get enough of the cutie! The month of Aug also included finding out once again my Aunt has cancer which is hard on my family, but she is such an amazing women and just keeps pushing forward with a positive attitude. She really is amazing! School then started and it was back to the real world or books and classes.
Well now we need a current update...Well i am still in Logan still going to school, still working as a Res manger at NES and for the most part i love it. I changed majors to FCHD i am taking institute i am in IWA and i am a FHE Mom life is good! I feel so very blessed and i am happy with where i am right now. Nope no boy friend for those who might be wondering no i have no given up either i am just taking things slow and putting it in the Lords hands it will happen when the time is right. I moved apartments and live with two other girls and they are awesome we really have a fun time together when we get to spend time together. I am enjoying my job it really is a blessing working with people who have disabilities i learn and grow from them everyday! Yes at times it is hard and stressful but i would not change it for the world right now. i am honestly just counting my blessings and looking forward to each and everyday!