Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Buried Life

So i have been inspired by the MTV show the Buried life and plus i have wanted to make a list of things i want to do before i die so why not make it a blog right..

#1 Touch ever state in the united states
#2 Sky Dive
#3 learn to golf
#4 Go back to Brazil
#5 run a marathon
#6 Back Pack in Europe
#7 grow a garden
#8 take a random road trip
#9 Surf
#10 speak in public at something important
#11 Visit every temple on the earth
#12 bungee jump
#13 Write a Book
#14 learn a new language
#15 Be homeless
#16 live in a car or bus
#17 work at an orphanage
#18 live in a foreign country
#19 Get married
#20 Pet an elephant
#21 drive a tractor
#22 Ride a horse bare back
#23 Do a pioneer trek
#24 Back packing for a week
#25 Donate my hair
#26 dance on a stripper pole
#27 Become a better long boarder
#28 rock climb
#29 play tennis
#30 join a soccer team
#31 join a softball team
#32 roller skate around campus
#33 go a month without shaving my legs
#34 Milk a cow
#35 Press 50 handicap door buttons in a day
#36 Get a tattoo
#37 take a yoga class
#38 go kayaking
#39 Visit New York City
#40 learn to play the guitar
#41 learn to play the piano
#42 scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
#43 visit Sea World
#44 Visit the San Diego Zoo
#45 Ride a Camel
#46 See a play on Broadway
#47 plant an herb garden
#48 Have my teeth whitened
#49 Kiss in the rain
#50 take a moonlight walk on the beach
#51 Hold a Snake
#52 own a pet Gold Fish
#53 own a pet rock
#54 own 100 pairs of shoes
#55 Make a difference in someones life
#56 Get my legs waxed
#57 walk a pig
#58 color my hair a crazy color
#59 send over 10,000 text in a month
#60 Do the root beer challenge
#61 Visit every temple in Utah within one year
#62 do a zip line
#63 Get a Masters
#64 Go one day without my cell phone
#65 365 day challenge
#66 Go to the Bathroom in every bathroom on Utah State Campus
#67 go on a cruise with roommates
#68 make a new friend everyday
#69 Help someone to their car with their groceries
#70 Make someone laugh everyday
#71 Ride the Bull Naked
#72 skinny dip at bear lake with roommates
#73 Donate money to a Charity
#74 Run a race for breast cancer
#75 Make a mission blanket
#76 Make a mission picture album
#77 Go to Washington D C
#78 Go to Navoo
#79 Visit the Redwood Forest
#80 Start Fishing again
#81 Make a Movie
#82 See Mount Rushmore
#83 Go to Disney World w/ friends
#84 Visit all 7 continents
#85 See the Leaning Tower of Pisa
#86 Visit Mecca
#87 See the Mayan Ruins
#88 Eiffel Tower
#89 learn to Crochet
#90 Learn to say no without feeling guilty
#91 get a college degree
#92 Make front page of a news paper
#93 Volunteer at a homeless shelter
#94Volunteer at a soup kitchen
#95 audition for survivor
#96 adopt a child
#97 become a foster parent
#98 have a pet dog
#99 Purchase a Home
#100 Be happy with who I am
#101 get married in the temple
#102 visit Hawaii
#103 own my car
#104 learn to sew
#105 be more crafty
#106 go hunting
# 107 read my top 100 books list
well i think that's a good start for now!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Busy as a BEE

Well these past few weeks have been super busy and crazy for me. A few weekends ago my family and I went to Arizona to walk in a heart walk to honor Morgyn it was super fun to have alot of the family together. when we got home it was a start of a crazy week for me. It was mid terms and i should have studied more then i did. Lets just say i have don't better in my classes then i did that week. Last weekend i went home to got to a baby shower and also spend time with me family and to add a little spice to things i gave a fireside on Sunday about my mission. It was really awesome i don't know if i did to well but i enjoyed sharing even if i cried pretty much the whole time. It was a very good reminder for me and helped me realise i need to keep doing all the little things i learned on my mission. I think to often i let the busy things of life take over the important things that i need to do like daily scripture study and sincere prayers and giving service. It was awesome and helped me think of some new goals to set. I also bought my plane ticket to BRAZIL!! Yes i am going back for 29 days! and i am so excited i cant even express how excited i am. Anyways things are well just super busy but i guess that's the way its suppose to be for now! Gotta LOVE IT!